Grand Master Miller
For many TKD students it feels like the art is “in their blood”. The same can be said for GM Gary Miller. As one of five brothers, all promoted to black belt under Pioneer and former ITF Senior Vice President Grandmaster Rhee Ki Ha, and who all taught their own schools, it was difficult to escape the daily regime of Taekwon-Do practice, debate and discussion.
Following a hugely successful competition career as firstly a competitor (1982 — 92) and then ITF England team coach (1993 — 98), GM Miller has spent the last 22 years involved in Umpire & Referee training and certification. This includes the position of Vice President of the EITF Umpire Committee, where he has been instrumental (With Grandmaster Michael Prewett) in the development of the current EITF Umpire Course and training programme. GM Miller is also authorised by ITF to conduct International Technical Seminars, International Instructor Courses, and International Umpire Courses with Certification across Europe.
GM Miller joined the UKTA Master’s Council in 2003, and has represented UKTA at British Taekwon-Do Council meetings since 2002, where he currently serves as ITF Officer. In 2009 Grandmaster Hwang Ho Yong appointed him as a member of the ITF Technical & Education Committee.
As part of the 100 Year Anniversary of the birth of TKD Founder Gen. Choi Hong Hi, on 9th November 2018 GM Miller was promoted to the rank of Grandmaster in Pyongyang, DPR Korea, by ITF President Prof. Ri Yong Son.
“Taekwon-Do is the tool which enables me to meet and train with many extraordinary and amazing people around the world. My success in & appetite for Taekwon-Do are inspired by, and dedicated to, the love and support of all my family (Especially my wife Diane and children Kirsty, Faye and Liam), my brothers & sister, and all of my students past & present, who inspire me even today”.